If you would like to travel to Lourdes as part of the Youth Team with our Diocesan Pilgrimage then fill in an Application form here and submit as soon as possible.

Our Diocesan Pilgrimage travels each July 1st to 6th and is led by Bishop Donal.

2018 marks the 160th anniversary of the apparitions at Lourdes.

The Youth Team assist with the care of the sick and take part in the liturgies and ceremonies will also travel.

If you are in Year 13/Leaving Cert and will still be under the age of 18 on 6th July 2018, then you could be part of this team and enjoy a wonderful experience in Lourdes.

For those currently pursuing the Pope John Paul II Award, this Pilgrimage will also count towards that Award.

Mr Martin McIlveen is the Youth Co-ordinator for the Pilgrimage.

Mr Charlie Glenn is the Pilgrimage Director and the Pilgrimage Secretary is Mrs Julia McIvor. 

They can be contacted at the Pilgrimage Office,164 Bishop St. Derry BT48 6 UJ. Telephone (028) 71260293. Email. derrypilgrim@outlook.com