Diocesan Offices
St Eugene’s Cathedral
Francis Street, Derry
BT48 9AP
Tel: 028 7126 2302
Would you like to spend a little time each week of Lent preparing for the Sunday Gospel before you hear it at Sunday Mass?
Lent is a time to consider a commitment to prayer, fasting and giving. 'Space for Lent at Lunchtime' will provide you with a wonderful opportunity to gather with others to pray, share and reflect on the Sunday Gospels during the 6 weeks of Lent leading up to Palm Sunday and Holy Week.
'Space for Lent at Lunchtime' will be delivered via Zoom and facilitated by Ursula Doherty - Lectio Divina Guide, and Tony Brennan - Pastoral Coordinator, Diocese of Derry.
Join us each Wednesday of Lent at 1:00pm-1:50pm, Lent at Lunchtime will continue each Wednesday until 29th March 2023.
Using the prayer practice of Lectio Divina, Ursula will lead the group to read, listen to, respond to and rest with the Word of God. As a group, it is a wonderful opportunity to place the Word of God at the centre of our prayer and spiritual life as we strive to deepen our relationship with Christ and each other.
To book your place please click the botton below
1st Sunday of Lent
Matthew chapter 4:1-11
The Temptation in the Wilderness
Sunday, 5th March
2nd Sunday of Lent
Matthew chapter 17:1-9
The Transfiguration
Sunday, 12th March
3rd Sunday of Lent
John chapter 4:5-42
Jesus meets the Samaritan Woman at the Well
Sunday, 19th March
4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
John chapter 9:1,6-9,13-17,34-38
The Healing of the Blind Man
Sunday, 26th March
5th Sunday of Lent
John chapter 11:3-7,17,20-27,33-45
The Raising of Lazarus from the Dead
Sunday, 2nd of April
Palm Sunday
Matthew chapter 21:1-11
Jesus' Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
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Diocesan Offices
St Eugene’s Cathedral
Francis Street, Derry
BT48 9AP
Tel: 028 7126 2302