Learning our Faith

Learning our Faith

Resources and programmes to help us share our faith far and wide

St Augustine, a great Saint of the Church said “Our hearts are restless O Lord, until they rest in you.” The desire for God is written in the human heart, because humankind is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw all humankind to himself.
Any journey towards the Church is primarily a journey towards God. This journey towards God is found through Jesus Christ.
25 September 2024
Learning our Faith
Register for SYCAMORE - Faith Discovery programme, with Fr Peter O'Kane Monday's: 4, 11, 18, 25 Nov & 2 Dec. Venue: Quigley's Point Community Centre, Inishowen, Co Donegal. Tuesday's: 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov & 3 Dec. Venue: The Parish Hall, St Patr...
11 July 2024
Learning our Faith
Q: I once heard a priest talk about Ordinary Time and that it didn't mean 'plain' or that other times were more important. Of course, I can't remember how he explained it. Can you explain some more? A: I personally was not there when your priest was ...
29 May 2024
Learning our Faith
Do you want to learn more about your catholic faith? Do you want to know and share the catechism of the catholic church with your children? In parish faith communities throughout the country religious education, catechism, prayer study, and adult fai...
22 April 2024
Learning our Faith
Could you lead prayer in your parish? Could you make an impact on other people's prayer life? Is your parish in the Diocese of Derry? You are invited to be part of our mission to renew and develop parish prayer in every parish in the Diocese of Derry...
11 March 2024
Learning our Faith
Jubilee 2025
A new guide "Teach us to Pray" is now available online and can be downloaded free.  The guide is made up of sections dedicated to prayer in the parish community, and in the family, with other sections dedicated to young people, cloistered commun...
24 November 2023
Learning our Faith
Q: Is it always wrong in every case to lie? What about the so called 'little white lie?' I'm thinking of situations where you tell a person something you know is false to spare their feelings, when they're likely never going to know the truth anyway....
24 November 2023
Learning our Faith
Q: Praying for the dead: where can this be found in the Bible? I don't want any reference to the Catechism, thanks. A: As you allude to in your question, many of the details regarding the Church's teaching on Purgatory (and the utility and appropriat...
24 November 2023
Learning our Faith
Why can't the Church use disposable plastic cups at Mass? Q: My parish recently returned to communion under the second species. A Eucharistic Minister holds one cup and one cloth anddoes one wipe after each serve. Most people are still not receiving ...

Sycamore Video Series

What is Sycamore?
It's a video series introducing the christian faith, a process of evangelization that is sharing the good news of our faith to those who are familiar with the basic ideas.

Sycamore is an informal course about the Christian faith and its relevance for life today. It gives you space to meet other people, share ideas, explore your beliefs, and think about questions that really matter. Each session involves a short film and time for discussion.

What is Sycamore and how can it help your parish, school or chaplaincy? With Fr Stephen Wang

Sycamore - where you can find 60 short videos about every aspect of the Catholic Christian faith.

Why Am I Catholic?

Diocesan Offices
St Eugene’s Cathedral
Francis Street, Derry
BT48 9AP

Tel: 028 7126 2302

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